
From baby blues
to baby bliss

Postpartum Ayurveda provides awareness and support to nourish your body and rekindle the digestive system after giving birth.
This workshop is for:
• pregnant women,
• future fathers,
• people who feel the need to support newborn mothers.
How can we build
health for the next
42 days
42 years
after giving birth?
Childbirth is a highly shocking experience for our body, our psyche, but with the right approach, a woman can easily balance herself and fully enter her new role.
This recovery period should focus on balancing the Vata dosha, healing and rejuvenating the reproductive tissues and improving the function of the lactation channels. This will ensure proper mother care and allow easy contact between mother and baby.
During this workshop, you will learn how Ayurveda can support you by:

• Ayurvedic cooking menu plan after childbirth,
• Ayurvedic cooking menu plan after childbirth,
• special Ayurvedic herbs,
• a set of teas,
• self-massage instruction,
• Benkung belly binding.
Also you will receive additional information that will help support you during this special time.
The link will be sent to people registered the day before the workshop.
Contact and registration:
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